L-02: Constants, Data Types, Expressions

C Programming Basics #

Constants, Data Types, Expressions

Girish Varma

code: https://github.com/cpro-iiit/cpro-iiit.github.io/tree/main/web/content/docs/course_material/lectures/2/code

code in web editor: https://www.programiz.com/online-compiler/7vCJDbICMawSj

Hello World! C Program #

main.c file. Try it out at https://www.programiz.com/c-programming/online-compiler/

// 1. This line is a comment that is ignored by compiler.

// 2. include standard library for input/output. Allows to print to shell
#include <stdio.h> 

// 3. execution start inside this **function** named main. 
int main() 
{ // start of main function

    // 4. prints to the shell
    printf("Hello, world\n");
    return 0; /* 5. returns integer 0 */

} // end of main function

Running the Program #

  1. Run gcc compiler to get executable file main gcc main.c -o main
  2. Run the executable main ./main

What just happened? #

bg right:50% w:600

Using Makefile to do it together #

  1. Create a file Makefile (one time step)
// Makefile
    gcc main.c -o main
  1. run make run

Next time, after you modify main.c, only make run needs to be done.

Constants, Datatypes, Expressions #

Constants #

#include <stdio.h> 
int main() 
    printf("printing the integer constant %d\n", 1);
    printf("printing the integer constant %d\n", 100);
    printf("printing the float constant %f\n", 1.5);
    printf("printing the float constant %f\n", 15.6);

    return 0;

Try out code online: https://www.programiz.com/online-compiler/7vCJDbICMawSj

Data Types #

TypeC TypeMemory
Integerint32 bits
Real Numberfloat32 bits
Characterchar8 bits

Expressions #

printf("circumference is %f", 2*3.14*5);

Try out code online: https://www.programiz.com/online-compiler/7vCJDbICMawSj

Reading #

Chapter 2 Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C
Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F. Gilberg

Thanks #