Recall Structs: Rectangle Example #
struct rectangle {
float length;
float breadth;
float compute_area(struct rectangle r) {
return r.length * r.breadth;
void print_rectangle(struct rectangle r) {
printf("Rectangle with length %f and breadth %f\n", r.length, r.breadth);
int main()
struct rectangle rect = { 1.5, 3.2 }; // Initializer
printf("Area of the rectangle is %f \n", compute_area(rect) );
Struct with Typedef #
typedef struct rectangle {
float length;
float breadth;
} rectangle;
float compute_area(rectangle r) {
return r.length*r.breadth;
rectangle scale(rectangle r, float s) {
r.length = r.length*s;
r.breadth = r.breadth*s;
return r;
int main()
rectangle rect = { .breadth = 1.0, .length = 3.0} /* {3.0, 1.0 }*/;
// rect.length = 3.2;
// rect.breadth = 1.2;
printf("Area of the rectangle is %f \n", compute_area(rect));
rectangle rp = scale(rect, 5);
printf("Area of the rectangle is %f \n", compute_area(rp));
printf("Area of the rectangle is %f \n", compute_area(rect));
Passing using pointers #
typedef struct rectangle {
float length;
float breadth;
} rectangle;
float compute_area(rectangle r) {
return r.length*r.breadth;
rectangle* scale(rectangle* r, float s) {
r->length = r->length*s;
r->breadth = r->breadth*s;
return r;
int main()
rectangle rect = { .breadth = 1.0, .length = 3.0} /* {3.0, 1.0 }*/;
// rect.length = 3.2;
// rect.breadth = 1.2;
printf("Area of the rectangle is %f \n", compute_area(rect));
rectangle* rp = scale(&rect, 5);
printf("Area of the rectangle is %f \n", compute_area(*rp));
printf("Area of the rectangle is %f \n", compute_area(rect));
Strings in C #
- as a pointer to char
char *p = "abcde";
- as an array of char
char s[] = "abcde";
print("%d %d", sizeof(p), sizeof(s));
String Function Implementation #
#include "stdio.h"
int strlenB(char* s) {
int i = 0;
while (s[i] != '\0') {
return i;
char* strcpyB(char *s, char *d) {
int len_s = strlenB(s);
for(int i = 0; i <= len_s;i++) {
d[i] = s[i];
return d;
char* str_rev(char *s, char *d) {
int len_s = strlenB(s);
for(int i = 0; i< len_s; i++) {
d[i] = s[len_s - 1 - i];
d[len_s] = '\0';
return d;
int main() {
char *p = "xyz\0dsalkfjds";
char s[] = "abcde\0kjdakfjsh"; // abcde\0
// printf("%d %d\n",sizeof(p),sizeof(s));
// printf("%s %s\n",p, s);
// printf("%d %d\n", strlen(p), strlen(s));
// strcpy(s,p);
printf("%s\n",str_rev(p, s));
return 1;
String Functions #
#include <string.h>
int strlen(char *s)
: returns the length of the string pointed by s (ie lenth upto the first\0
in memory).char* strcat(char* s1, char* s2)
: concatenates s1 with s2, stores it in s1 and returns strcmp(char *s1,char *s2)
: returns negative int if s1 is lex. smaller than s2, returns 0 if equal, returns positive int if s1 is lex. greater than s2.char* strcpy(char* s1, char* s2)
: copies s2 in to s1 and returns s1.
Debugger #
Summary #
- Struct with Typedef
- Passing Struct with Pointer
- Struct pointer accessing fields notation
- Recalling Strings in C
- Debugger